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Interuniversity Doctoral Consortium

The Graduate Center is a member of the Interuniversity Doctoral Consortium, which provides for cross-registration among member institutions. Matriculated Graduate Center doctoral students may cross-register for doctoral study in the graduate schools of arts and sciences of the following institutions: Columbia University (including Teachers College), Fordham University, The New School, New York University (including Steinhardt School of Education), Princeton University, Rutgers-New Brunswick (State University of New Jersey), and Stony Brook (State University of New York). The Graduate Center has a similar arrangement with the Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts, Design and Culture, whereby students may take classes at either school with the appropriate permissions.

The general terms for participating in the interuniversity cross-registration project are:

  1. A student must be matriculated full or part time in a doctoral (not master’s) program at one of the participating institutions.

  2. A student must have completed at least two semesters of graduate study at the home institution and, as a Graduate Center student, be between the second and sixth year of enrollment.

  3. Courses available for cross-registration should not normally be available at the home institution.

  4. Participation in cross-registration is subject to approval by the deans of the home and host institutions.