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CUNY Campus and Workplace Violence Prevention Policy

The City University of New York (the “University” or “CUNY”) is committed to the prevention of Workplace Violence and will respond promptly to any threats and/or acts of violence. For purposes of this Policy, Workplace Violence is defined as any physical assault or acts of aggressive behavior occurring where an employee performs any work-related duty in the course of his or her employment, including but not limited to:

(i) An attempt or threat, whether verbal or physical, to inflict physical injury upon an employee;

(ii) Any intentional display of force that would give an employee reason to fear or expect bodily harm;

(iii) Intentional and wrongful physical contact with an employee without his or her con- sent that entails some injury;

(iv) Stalking an employee in a manner that may cause the employee to fear for his or her physical safety and health when such stalking has arisen through and in the course of employment.

Workplace Violence presents a serious occupational safety hazard to CUNY and its employees. The University will respond promptly to threats and/or acts of violence. All employees are responsible for helping to create an environment of mutual respect and for assisting in maintaining a safe and secure work environment and will participate in the annual Workplace Violence Prevention Training Program. Individuals who violate this Policy may be removed from University property and are subject to disciplinary and/or personnel action up to and including termination, consistent with University policies, rules and collective bargaining agreements, and/or referral to law enforcement authorities for criminal prosecution.

Incidents involving Workplace Violence will be given the serious attention they deserve. Employees are responsible for reporting any incidents of Workplace Violence of which they be- come aware. The procedure for reporting incidents of suspected or alleged Workplace Violence can be found in the campus specific Workplace Violence Prevention Programs at Paragraph 7. The procedure for reporting complaints of a potential violation of the CUNY Workplace Violence Prevention Policy and Programs can be found in the campus specific Workplace Violence Prevention Programs at Paragraph 9.

The University, at the request of an employee, or student, or at its own discretion, may prohibit members of the public, including family members, from seeing an employee or student on University property unless necessary to transact University-related business. This policy particularly applies when an employee or student anticipates that an act of violence may result from an encounter with said individual(s).

Employee participation in the implementation of this Policy will be provided through their authorized employee representatives, who will be invited to participate in: (1) Scheduled physical risk assessment site evaluation(s) to determine the presence of risk factors which may place employees at risk of workplace violence; (2) the development and annual review of a Workplace Violence Prevention Program promulgated by each College for the implementation of the Policy; (3) the annual review of the Campus Workplace Violence Incidents Report pre- pared annually by each College; and (4) as appropriate, following a serious incident of Work- place Violence.