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Graduate Center Facilities Access and Use Policy

Posting of Literature

The Graduate Center’s digital signage system is designed to highlight the GC’s daily calendar of events as well as provide an internal communication platform to promote events and announcements central to our institutional purpose. Instructions for using the digital signage system are available at

Additional information may be found throughout The Graduate Center on bulletin boards or easels in display areas administered by different programs and offices, including the Offices of Student Affairs (Room 7301), Research and Sponsored Programs (Room 8309), and Human Re- sources (Room 8403; outside the Human Resources office; the 8th floor Elevator Lobby; and in Room 8313, the Staff Lounge), the Wellness Center (Room 6422), and the Mina Rees Library.

The posting of materials on walls, windows, doors, equipment, kiosks, elevators, and restrooms is prohibited. Posted literature must identify the issuing person or organization. Due to space limitations, outdated literature or duplicate postings on the same easel will be removed.

Distribution and Sale of Literature from Tables

Institutions of higher education need places where members of the institution can publicly present information about programs, activities, and issues. While The Graduate Center has a variety of public spaces for programs, we do not have the type of visible, central location at which in- formation tables can be set up. Normally, this kind of “tabling” might take place in a centrally located student center or other similar location. Unfortunately, our facility does not have such a space. Our front lobby is a site that all community members must pass through, but the ability to place tables there is significantly restricted by safety considerations related to safe passage in and out of the building.

We have, however—in recognition of providing for this important function—developed a policy that will allow Graduate Center academic programs, centers or institutes, chartered DSC organizations, projects, and programs, and registered staff or faculty organizations to “table” in the lobby. In light of the restricted space available and specific fire and building regulations, the following policies will apply.

  • Only one table will be allowed in the lobby at a time. To facilitate free passage through the lobby, the only approved location for that table is parallel to the wall directly to the left of the entrance to the Mina Rees Library.

  • The table to be used will be provided by The Graduate Center and will be of a size selected by The Graduate Center. The size will be based on safety considerations.

  • The tabling entity must specifically be an approved Graduate Center academic pro- gram, center, or institute, a chartered DSC organization, project, or program, or a registered staff or faculty organization. Graduate Center entities may not reserve a table for use by a non-Graduate Center entity.

  • Applications for tabling made by the DSC and its charter organizations must be made by email to the Office of Student Affairs ( All other applications for tabling should be made directly by email to Facilities ( If a request is made by an academic program or involves anything of an academic nature, it must receive prior approval from the Provost’s Office ( Every effort will be made to be accommodating. Early requests are encouraged. The applicant should list the name of The Gradu- ate Center entity making the request, the name of a specifically responsible individual, and a phone number at which the party can be reached. That individual will be responsible for the maintenance of the table and for the cleaning of any debris from around the table that results from the tabling.

  • Those making the request should know that tabling may be precluded on the day they are requesting because of prior requests or lobby traffic or other logistical considerations.

  • The Graduate Center reserves the right to limit the number of hours of tabling on a specific day based on the expected traffic in the lobby area that day.

  • The Graduate Center may need to cancel a previously confirmed reservation based on safety or other logistical considerations.

  • The Director of Security and/or highest ranking safety officer present has the authority to ask tabling to be concluded based on his or her assessment of health and safety consider- ations (e.g., crowding in the lobby).

  • The only space that can be used by the tabling party is the table top itself. A sign may be placed on an easel behind the table but not affixed to the wall.

  • A table must be staffed at all times by an individual. The lobby table cannot be used simply for placing unattended literature.

  • Only Graduate Center faculty, staff, or students may serve as the responsible party or parties at a table.

Other opportunities for handing out flyers and leaflets include the Student Center, out- side the Dining Commons, and in conjunction with Graduate Center events.

Persons wishing to distribute literature in the Robert E. Gilleece Student Center should contact the Doctoral Students’ Council (the graduate student government), Room 5495; Tele- phone: 1-212-817-7888; Fax: 1-212-817-1592; email:

Meeting Space

Space-Use Fees: Weekdays. When the event is the primary effort of one or more Graduate Center entities—doctoral and master’s programs, centers and institutes, the Doctoral Students’ Council, or chartered doctoral student organizations—there are no space use fees on weekdays. Space-use fees are charged on weekdays for all outside groups and for groups of which The Graduate Center or a Graduate Center entity is only one of several outside participants or cosponsors. Waiver of the space fee does not, however, preclude charges for extra audio-visual staff and equipment as well as for facilities staff and security costs. Such charges are typically assessed on weekends or when nor- mal staffing is reduced, and/or depend on the size of the space being utilized. Reservation of space is arranged through The Graduate Center’s Room Reservations office at

In addition, student meeting space is available in the Robert E. Gilleece Student Center through arrangement with the Doctoral Students’ Council, Room 5495; Telephone: 1-212-817- 7888; Fax 1-212-817-1592; email

Space-Use Fees: Saturdays. Charges will be assessed for Saturday usage. Please con- tact the Room Reservations office at for further information.


Picketing in an orderly manner is permitted in front of the building subject to New York City rules and regulations, which provide that there may not be interference with pedestrian traffic or with access to and egress from the building through all entrances. New York City regulations for picketing and demonstrations also provide that hand-held signs may not be mounted on sticks or other hard objects.

Amplification Devices

The use of sound amplification devices such as loudspeakers and “bullhorns” is not permitted inside or adjacent to The Graduate Center, because their use would interfere with instructional and other Graduate Center activities.


Persons holding banners, signs, or other objects may not block the view of other audience members at an event.

Security and Public Safety Measures

The following measures are some of the means that may be used by The Graduate Center’s Office of Security and Public Safety in striving to provide a safe and secure environment for The Graduate Center community and its visitors while protecting and respecting the rights of the individual, including free-speech rights: enforcement of public assembly space occupancy limits; requiring the presentation of identification; assignment of additional security personnel; searching bags, packages, and other containers; requiring that coats, outerwear, bags, packages, and containers be put in checkrooms be- fore entrance to events; the use of magnetometers (metal detectors); videotaping, audiotaping, and/or photographing an event; and requesting the presence of outside law enforcement agencies.